[Ccnso-nominations] Nomination to the ccNSO Council

Alejandra Reynoso alejandra.reynoso at cctld.gt
Tue Sep 18 17:59:28 UTC 2018

I hereby nominate Demi Getschko for the ccNSO Council.

   1. Your full name: Alejandra Reynoso Barral
   2. Your e-mail address: alejandra.reynoso at cctld.gt
   3. Your ccTLD: .gt
   4. Your geographic region: Latin America and the Caribbean
   5. Full name of the person you nominate to the ccNSO council: Demi
   6. e-mail address of the person you nominate: demi at nic.br

Best regards,
Alejandra Reynoso


[image: Photograph]

*Alejandra Reynoso*Investigación & Desarrollo | Dominios .gt
*P:* +502 23688565
*E:* alejandra.reynoso at cctld.gt
18 Ave. 11 <https://maps.google.com/?q=18+Ave.+11&entry=gmail&source=g>-42
Zona 15, V.H. III.
Guatemala, Guatemala
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