[Ccnso-nominations] [Ext] seconding a nomination to the ccNSO council - Ali Hadji Mmadi

Serge Roland SANOU serge.sanou at arcep.bf
Tue Oct 3 23:22:29 UTC 2023

Thanks ! 


De: "Joke Braeken" <joke.braeken at icann.org> 
À: ccnso-nominations at icann.org 
Cc: "Serge Roland SANOU" <serge.sanou at arcep.bf> 
Envoyé: Lundi 25 Septembre 2023 07:21:21 
Objet: FW: [Ext] seconding a nomination to the ccNSO council - Ali Hadji Mmadi 

Dear Serge, 

Thank you, I confirm receipt. 

Best regards, 

Joke Braeken 

[ mailto:joke.braeken at icann.org | joke.braeken at icann.org ] 

From: Serge Roland SANOU <serge.sanou at arcep.bf> 
Date: Saturday, 23 September 2023 at 19:01 
To: Joke Braeken <joke.braeken at icann.org> 
Subject: [Ext] seconding a nomination to the ccNSO council - Ali Hadji Mmadi 

5.3 Secondment Template 

1. Your full name: SANOU Serge Roland 

2. Your email address: serge.sanou at arcep.bf 

3. Your ccTLD: .BF 

4. Your geographic region: Africa 

5. Full name of the nominee you would like to second: Ali Hadji Mmadi 


Serge R. SANOU 




ATTENTION: ce message ne provient pas de l'organisation ARCEP Burkina Faso. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens ou n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes si vous ne connaissez pas l'expéditeur joke.braeken at icann.org et que vous n'êtes pas sûr que le contenu soit légitime. 

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