[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ICANN63 | Application for ccNSO Travel Funding

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation webmaster at icann.org
Tue Jul 3 19:42:11 UTC 2018

Data Processing Acknowledgement : Tuesday, July 3, 2018 - 15:42 EST

Submitted values are:

First Name + Last Name: Abdirashid Ibrahim Abdirahman
Affiliation: Marodijeh International University
Email: rashedibr at hotmail.com
Please specify how you intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO at the
next ICANN meeting:
For the last 10 years, I have been involved in the ICT sector of Somali. I am
currently a Senior Technology Advisor to the President, assisting him to
harness the use of ICT in the country because Technology contributes to the
economic development of the nations. Founded and operated my web hosting and
domain registration company in Somalia called Techlink Inc

Contributing to the development of my nations technology policies &
regulations; Communication act, ICT Policy & Telecom Regulations Policy. Have
been an ICT consultant to the Ministry of Communications and Technology for
more than 2 years and made possible to make interconnections between the
telecom operators. Currently, I am the Dean College of Computer Science of
Marodijeh University where I also teach Computer science courses.

I am an active member of ISOC Somali Chapter to contribute the progress and
growth of the internet for all of Somalia. Through ISOC Somali Chapter, I
organized and coordinated discussions and information sharing events on
issues related to the telecommunication & current internet disruptions in
Somalia and also discussed the consequences of internet shutdown that
Alshabaab imposed to the Somali ISPs and the 4G blockage, an activity that
resulted to lift the restrictions of the internet.

I am currently involved in managing DOTSO country code Top Level Domain
(ccTLD) following the knowledge and the experiences that I gained from
ICANN60 Abu Dhabi meeting in which ccNSO funded my travel.

I am an AFRINIC 26 Fellow, activity in AFRINIC community discussions to
contribute the activities Internet operations and governance of Africa.

Additional relevant information:
Very much interested in to gain a broader knowledge about ICANN constituents
to engage the ICANN Multistakeholder process and become the new voice of
experience in my country, continent and to the of the world.

I have read the ccNSO Travel Funding Guidelines [1] and understand the
process and conditions: Yes
Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN meetings: 1
Do you have your employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding? Yes, I
have my employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding (OR, I am not
Employment status: Yes, I am employed
    ==Please, provide your employer's contact information==
      Employer's Name: Marodijeh International University
      Employer's Email: info at miu.edu.so

Would you have the possibility to attend the meeting, if you would only
receive one part of the funding (either plane ticket or hotel only)? No, I
need full funding to be able to attend the meeting

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/about/travel-funding-07apr16-en.pdf

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