[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ICANN63 | Application for ccNSO Travel Funding

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation webmaster at icann.org
Wed Jul 4 07:38:49 UTC 2018

Data Processing Acknowledgement : Wednesday, July 4, 2018 - 03:38 EST

Submitted values are:

First Name + Last Name: Stephen Deerhake
Affiliation: ccNSO; .as (America Samoa) ccTLD
Email: sdeerhake at nic.as
Please specify how you intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO at the
next ICANN meeting:
I intend to participate in the face to face meetings of the following ccNSO
related working groups and standing committees:

Guidelines Review Working Group (member of),
SOPC (member of),
TechDay Working Group (member of)
PDP Working Group for the Retirement of ccTLDs (chair of)

Additionally, as the ccNSO's representative to the Empowered Community, I
would be available to organize and participate in any Empowered Community
Public forum which may be held as part of either an Approval or Rejection
Action (initiated by the Board or the Empowered Community respectively),
should the need for such a forum become necessary between now and ICANN63 in
Barcelona (based on Board actions which might be taken between now and

I would also make myself available for any ECA related ccNSO Members' Meeting
sessions, as well as make myself available to provide the ccNSO Members'
Meeting an update on the activities of the PDP ccTLD Retirement WG.

Lastly, I would participate in the various joint ccNSO/other SO/AC face to
face meetings that will take place (e.g., ccNSO/GNSO joint meeting), and
would of course participate in the face to face meeting of the ccNSO Council
as one of the three representatives from the North America region.

Additional relevant information:
In answer to the question below regarding the possibility of attending
ICANN63 if only partial funding is made available, the short answer is "yes".
   In that regards, my first preference would be complete funding, my second
preference would be funding for lodging only, and my third preference would
be funding for airfare only.  In lieu of funding for lodging, I would have to
make a decision regarding attending the meeting closer to the meeting date
when there will be greater clarity regarding Registry finances.

(Also I believe there is an issue with this form, as the drop-down box for
the question "Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN
meetings" below provides for an answer in the range "0-2", when the range
should be "0-3" (unless I mis-understood the question).  In my case the
answer is "3", as Byron has always declined it, and Pablo has been serving on
the NomCom Selection Committee and thus has been funded by that group for the
past several meetings (but not for ICANN63 apparently)).
I have read the ccNSO Travel Funding Guidelines [1] and understand the
process and conditions: Yes
Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN meetings: 2
Do you have your employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding? Yes, I
have my employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding (OR, I am not
Employment status: Yes, I am employed
    ==Please, provide your employer's contact information==
      Employer's Name: GDNS, LLC, d/b/a as AS Domain Registry (I am the
      President and CEO)
      Employer's Email: sdeerhake at nic.as

Would you have the possibility to attend the meeting, if you would only
receive one part of the funding (either plane ticket or hotel only)? Yes, I
can accept to be funded only partly

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/about/travel-funding-07apr16-en.pdf

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