[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ICANN63 | Application for ccNSO Travel Funding

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation webmaster at icann.org
Thu Jun 28 17:24:20 UTC 2018

Data Processing Acknowledgement : Thursday, June 28, 2018 - 13:24 EST

Submitted values are:

First Name + Last Name: Jelena Ožegović
Affiliation: .rs
Email: jelena.ozegovic at rnids.rs
Please specify how you intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO at the
next ICANN meeting: Since ICANN58 I've been actively involved in the
Community Onboarding Pilot Program as one of the representatives of ccNSO and
served as a mentor three times. Within this process I've been working on
supporting newcomers and promoting the work of ccNSO in the community. My
intent is to continue doing so at the next ICANN meeting as the community is
looking into ways to increase participation of its members. I'm also member
of the Review working party and would like to be able to participate in this
process more, in future and during the next meeting. As I am member of the
WT5 WG and heaven't got personal resources to follow its work insofar, I plan
to commit more time for it in between meetings and be better prepared to
participate in the face to face meeting at ICANN63. In addition to that, I
might contribute to the members news part of our meeting, and prepare a
presentation that will present the activities of our registry, if my
superiors find some activity to be worth of sharing with the community.
Additional relevant information:
I have read the ccNSO Travel Funding Guidelines [1] and understand the
process and conditions: Yes
Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN meetings: 0
Do you have your employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding? Yes, I
have my employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding (OR, I am not
Employment status: Yes, I am employed
    ==Please, provide your employer's contact information==
      Employer's Name: Žarko Kecić, acting CEO of RNIDS Foundation
      Employer's Email: zarko.kecic at rnids.rs

Would you have the possibility to attend the meeting, if you would only
receive one part of the funding (either plane ticket or hotel only)? No, I
need full funding to be able to attend the meeting

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/about/travel-funding-07apr16-en.pdf

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