[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ICANN62 | Application for ccNSO Travel Funding

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation webmaster at icann.org
Thu Mar 8 20:16:39 UTC 2018

Submitted on Thursday, March 8, 2018 - 15:16
Submitted values are:

First Name + Last Name: Abdirashid Ibrahim Abdirahman
Affiliation: Marodijeh International University
Email: rashedibr at hotmail.com
Please specify how you intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO at the
next ICANN meeting:
For the last ONE year, I have been actively participating the activities of
the ccNSO through my country's ccTLD (.so) managing organization.  I am going
to work with the Tech Working Group to support my country's Code Top Level
Domain by sharing the ccTLD advices and discussion for the operational and
technical aspects of running the .so inline with the ccNSo policies and

Since Somalia's ccTLD is new and needs tremendous work I will closely meet
and cooperate with all regional organizations as well as other countries
ccTLDs for experience sharing and also presenting with them about the
challenges we are having & listening their experiences. I will also
familiarize my self about the other working groups that their decisions
affects our ccTLDs.

To better contribute the management of my nations ccTLD, I will actively
participate the discussions and the debates about the ccNSo activities during
the meeting. To have full knowledge about that, I will coordinate and
co-organize withe the ccNSO team about the sessions to familiarize my self
with the ccNSO team.

I will also write the minutes and the reports of the sessions for record
keeping and documentation purpose as I did the last AFRINIC meeting in which
I was a fellow for the meeting and actively participated afTLD meeting.

I will record video sessions promoting the vision and the activities of the
ccNSO to prepare future leaders that can be reserve for managing the future
activities of Somalia's ccTLD DotSo.
Additional relevant information: I am an AFRINIC Fellow, attended IGF
meetings. I am the Team leader of  a team that is developing the ICT policy
of my country. Did and finalized first ever ICT E-readiness assessment of my
country to know the areas that need future investments of my country to
support the government development projects mapping.
I have read the ccNSO Travel Funding Guidelines [1] and understand the
process and conditions: Yes
Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN meetings: 1
Do you have your employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding? Yes, I
have my employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding (OR, I am not
Employment status: Yes, I am employed
    ==Please, provide your employer's contact information==
      Employer's Name: Marodijeh University
      Employer's Email: info at miu.edu.so

Would you have the possibility to attend the meeting, if you would only
receive one part of the funding (either plane ticket or hotel only)? No, I
need full funding to be able to attend the meeting

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/about/travel-funding-07apr16-en.pdf

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