[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ccNSO Application Form

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation no-reply at icann.org
Sat Jan 21 04:11:14 UTC 2023

Submitted on Sat, 01/21/2023 - 04:11

Submitted values are:

First/Given Name:: Jean Nahum
Last/Family Name:: Constant
Gender: Male
E-mail Address:: jnahum.constant at frddh.org.ht
ccTLD Manager
I am employed by a ccTLD manager, or have the support of a ccTLD manager.: 
If yes, please specify which ccTLD:: .ht
If yes, please select the relevant ICANN region for your ccTLD:: Latin 
America / Caribbean

I have my employer's approval to attend the meeting for which I requested 
ccNSO travel support.: Yes
Please select your preference:: I apply for <em>full</em> funding (economy 
class ticket to the travel destination, hotel costs for the approved duration 
of the trip and a per diem)
I am unable to attend the upcoming ICANN meeting without ccNSO Travel 
Support.: Yes
I am a ccNSO-appointed co-chair to a Cross-Community working Group (CCWG): No
I am a ccNSO Council member.: No
I am a Customer Standing Committee (CSC) member.: No
I am expecting to be a speaker/presenter/session chair at ccNSO relevant 
sessions during the ICANN meeting for which I apply for funding.: No
I am a ccNSO Working Group Chair actively meeting at the ICANN meeting for 
which funding is requested.: No
I am a ccNSO Working Group member actively meeting at the ICANN meeting for 
which funding is requested.: Yes
I am a liaison to the ccNSO Council, as per the definition included in the 
relevant ccNSO Guideline: Liaison and Observers.: No
I am an observer, as per the definition included in the relevant ccNSO 
Guideline: Liaison and Observers.: No
I am a ccNSO appointed observer/liaison to another SO/AC, as per the 
definition included in the relevant ccNSO Guideline: Liaisons and Observers.: 
I am currently contributing to the work of the ccNSO in another capacity.: 
If yes, please specify::
- Member of Policy Development Process (PDP) Review Mechanism Working Group
- Member of Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC)
- Member of Meetings Program Standing Committee (MPC)

I have a different ccNSO-relevant role.: No
I currently am an active member of the broader ccTLD community.: No
I have an interest in becoming an active member of the broader ccTLD 
community.: No
In the future, I intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO.: Yes
If yes, please specify::
In the future, I would like to integrate myself more actively into the 
meetings of the working groups. Follow the minutes, the decisions taken 
during the work meetings in order to prepare the next meetings. Work actively 
at the local level to address issues at the highest level during General 
Assemblies, Community Forums and Policy Forums. Play the role of ambassadors 
in my country through the technical community, the chapter of the Internet 
Society that I work actively with them in order to popularize the use of the 
national domain name through the communities.

I was previously granted ccNSO travel funding.: Yes
If yes, please specify: :
ICANN 74 - The Hague, Netherlands But it has been canceled because the visa 
was not issued on time.

Privacy Policy: I Agree

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