[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ccNSO Application Form

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation no-reply at icann.org
Tue Jan 23 16:02:52 UTC 2024

Submitted on Tue, 01/23/2024 - 16:02

Submitted values are:

First/Given Name:: batran
Last/Family Name:: Mahamat Ali
Gender: Male
E-mail Address:: batran.mahamat at adetic.td
ccTLD Manager
I am employed by a ccTLD manager, or have the support of a ccTLD manager.: 
If yes, please specify which ccTLD:: .le Tcahd .td
If yes, please select the relevant ICANN region for your ccTLD:: Africa

I have my employer's approval to attend the meeting for which I requested 
ccNSO travel support.: Yes
Please select your preference:: I apply for <em>partial</em> funding (hotel 
accommodation for the approved duration of the trip & per diem. No flight.)
I am unable to attend the upcoming ICANN meeting without ccNSO Travel 
Support.: Yes
I am a ccNSO-appointed co-chair to a Cross-Community working Group (CCWG): No
I am a ccNSO Council member.: No
I am a Customer Standing Committee (CSC) member.: No
I am expecting to be a speaker/presenter/session chair at ccNSO relevant 
sessions during the ICANN meeting for which I apply for funding.: No
I am a ccNSO Working Group Chair actively meeting at the ICANN meeting for 
which funding is requested.: No
I am a ccNSO Working Group member actively meeting at the ICANN meeting for 
which funding is requested.: No
I am a liaison to the ccNSO Council, as per the definition included in the 
relevant ccNSO Guideline: Liaison and Observers.: No
I am an observer, as per the definition included in the relevant ccNSO 
Guideline: Liaison and Observers.: No
I am a ccNSO appointed observer/liaison to another SO/AC, as per the 
definition included in the relevant ccNSO Guideline: Liaisons and Observers.: 
I am currently contributing to the work of the ccNSO in another capacity.: No
I have a different ccNSO-relevant role.: Yes
If yes, please specify::
je suis le gestionnaire du .td

I currently am an active member of the broader ccTLD community.: No
I have an interest in becoming an active member of the broader ccTLD 
community.: Yes
If yes, please specify::

In the future, I intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO.: Yes
If yes, please specify::
participer au groupe du travail. aussi j'ai lancé la procédure pour mettre 
mon contact dans le contact de Iana.

I was previously granted ccNSO travel funding.: Yes
If yes, please specify: :
je viens d'etre nommé au service qui gére le .td et m'aimerais participer a 
la reunion de kigali pour mieux comprendre le role de ICANN et en particulier 
celui ccNSO et

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