[Ccpdp-rm] REMINDER: ccPDP Review Mechanism Working Group teleconference | 2 June at 20:00 UTC

Kimberly Carlson kimberly.carlson at icann.org
Tue Jun 1 18:39:11 UTC 2021

Dear all,

As a reminder, the next ccPDP Review Mechanism Working Group teleconference is scheduled for 2 June at 20:00 UTC

ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Working Group
2 June @20:00 UTC
Draft Agenda

  1.  Welcome and roll call
  2.  Administrative announcements, if any
     *   Action items
  3.  Document review (previously circulated last Friday by Bernard and attached)
  4.  Overall principles discussion (attached)
  5.  Policy Session at ICANN71
  6.  Next meetings
     *   Policy Session at ICANN71 | 16 June 10:30-12:00 UTC
     *   7 July | 20:00 UTC
  7.  AOB
  8.  Closure

Please find the call details below:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 966 3201 2528
Passcode: PDP3-RM602
Wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/pwOlCQ

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Name: CCWGV4-Annex 7-FinalDraftV01.1-Clean-Final.pdf
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Desc: CCWGV4-Annex 7-FinalDraftV01.1-Clean-Final.pdf
URL: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccpdp-rm/attachments/20210601/a8365e7f/CCWGV4-Annex7-FinalDraftV01.1-Clean-Final-0001.pdf>
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Name: JD Response to CCWG Counsel 12 Oct. 2015 Memo (19 Oct. 2015).pdf
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Desc: JD Response to CCWG Counsel 12 Oct. 2015 Memo (19 Oct. 2015).pdf
URL: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccpdp-rm/attachments/20210601/a8365e7f/JDResponsetoCCWGCounsel12Oct.2015Memo19Oct.2015-0001.pdf>
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Desc: RFC1591-IDNB.pdf
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Name: SidleyResponses to QuestionsOct2015.pdf
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Desc: SidleyResponses to QuestionsOct2015.pdf
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Name: Overall Principles Review mechanisms version 2 1 June 2021.pdf
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Desc: Overall Principles Review mechanisms version 2 1 June 2021.pdf
URL: <https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/ccpdp-rm/attachments/20210601/a8365e7f/OverallPrinciplesReviewmechanismsversion21June2021-0001.pdf>

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