[Ccpdp-rm] NOTES | ccPDP3 Review Mechanism | 13 July 2022 (19:00 UTC)

Joke Braeken joke.braeken at icann.org
Wed Jul 13 19:57:48 UTC 2022

NOTES | ccPDP3 Review Mechanism | 13 July 2022 (19:00 UTC)

  1.  Welcome & roll call

Welcome by Chair Stephen Deerhake

2.                   Administrative items if any

a.                  ICANN75- proposed sessions

No exclusive meeting by the ccPDP3-WG with GAC.  But, there will be a joint session between ccNSO and GAC. The ccPDP3-WG will have a slot during that session, to provide an update. Tentative schedule: Tuesday after lunch
Bart: 3 topics in total for the joint meeting between ccNSO & GAC. The ccPDP3-RM has almost reached its final stages. Information sharing not only with GAC but also the broader opportunity.
Stephen: ccPDP4 should also have ample time. Important work too.
Bart: 2 presentation opportunities for this WG: one to the broader ccTLD community, which will proceed the GAC session, and secondly the update during the joint meeting between ccNSO and GAC. Both sessions on Tuesday. Moreover, there will be an assessment/review session by the WG itself, on Thursday, after the group met with the ccTLDs present, and with the GAC, to discuss the input from those meetings. Stress-testing dependent, still to be determined whether there is a need for an in-person regular WG meeting on Saturday.  Stephen prefers to meet for stress-testing.

b.      Reminder:  revised time for 27 July call (16:00 UTC)

Change of time only applies to the 27 July meeting. New time: 16 UTC

3.                   Action Items

Board action for retirement policy: no news to report from Stephen. Frustration expressed.
Bart: Patricio referred to an open issue regarding the question from ICANN legal. April letter from Sam. Council needs to take a position. Council started to prepare a letter in response to the question from ICANN legal. The retirement policy (issues in 5.2 and revocation) should be carved out from IRP and the reconsideration. They highlighted that it is probably a policy decision. Stephen as chair will receive the letter as well. We discussed in The Hague the next steps. Council hopes to adopt the letter during its upcoming meeting on 21 July. As soon as it is adopted, Alejandra will send it to Sam Eisner, Patricio and others. Stephen will receive a copy, and will forward it to the WG itself. This will clarify the path for the next steps, with respect to the retirement policy. Positive developments, picking up speed.

4.                   Review updated document

Line 101

Nick: process question. Out of order for icann to say they will not accept it. This group needs to come up with a policy recommendation to be presented to the board for adoption. Imagine a situation where icann is the wrong-doer. Financially punitive for cctlds? We should decide what we think is the right policy.  There will be financial consequences and ICANN is the party with the deepest pockets.
Stephen: agrees.
Bernie: Let's be clear that for the past year we were saying that the plaintiff is going to pay for the reviewers. But a few weeks ago we said icann is going to pay for everything.
Secondly, as per what Eberhard proposed, and what we will consider, in the actual allocating what the fees are, is what it means for different levels of ccTLDs. We seek fees that are reasonable and that do not prevent anyone from using the mechanism. Finally, icann has not made a comment on this. But given my work in IRP, I channel what I expect will be icann legal’s position. Will be a sticking point from icann legal and board members. Reasonable price based on cctld size? Yes. but the plaintiff will have a cost. We went from “Application fee, and paying for the reviewers”, and then we moved to “just an application fee”.
Bart: see presentation by Bernie during ICANN74. He started off with basic principles that drive the effort. E.g. low-cost, accessible. On top of this procedure we need to keep checking against the basic principles. Also in the implementation phase.
Nick: Is it the right policy? The fact that icann might be annoyed has a lower order.
Stephen: Do we need to come up with specific dollar amounts?
Bernie: yes, in implementation
Bart: First, this policy needs to be adopted by the board. Important to keep the principles in mind. We need to keep an eye on what is happening. The ccPDP3-WG develops the policy, and then the implementation will be done by the relevant functions within ICANN.
Stephen: feedback process between icann and iana and the SOs?
Bart: implementation is a matter after adoption by the Board. They direct staff. Similar examples: SubPro, AGB at the time. Many feedback loops. GNSO has more experience. We do not.
Stephen: would council need to look at how GNSO is doing their policy implementation relation?
Bart: yes, wise thing to do. In the work plan, there is a line-item which says “implementation”.  Not detailed, but is on the radar. This group is done when the policy is adopted by the Board. Once it goes into implementation, we need internal ccnso processes dealing with this. There will be a call for volunteers. Note: volunteer time needed.

Line 258
Bernie: Reviewers will be paid for by ICANN/IFO. New. makes sense

Line 391
No questions or comments

a.                  Headings for report

Bernie: We started preparing the early draft that goes to ccNSO Council for approving the policy.

5.                   Next steps: stress testing / scenarios

How are the corner cases handled by the policy?
The goal is to start with stress-testing at the next meeting.

Bart presents a slide deck

  *   STEP 1: Develop the scenarios
(recall Kobe/Marrakech. Small groups developed scenarios with flip charts. They shared their brainstorming results with the full group, and thus we came up with scenarios). Method. Example of a storyline by the ccPDP4-IDN WG, as used at ICANN74
When? Next meeting in July

  *   STEP 2: Scenario testing
When? 1 or 2 meetings in August

Bernie: if we finish the stress-tests before ICANN75, it will allow us to give solid presentations at ICANN75. We can work on the public consultation after ICANN75, depending on the input received during the meeting.

6.                   AOB

Stephen reminds all to inform Kimberly if you attend ICANN75 in person

7.                   Next meetings

  *   27 July 16:00 UTC (note the new time)
  *   10 August 19:00 UTC
  *   24 August 19:00 UTC

Stephen: We previously said that we might not meet in August. What are your thoughts?
No objections raised by the WG members

8.                     Closure

Thank you all. Bye

Joke Braeken
joke.braeken at icann.org

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