[Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 29 June at 19:00 UTC

Irina Danelia i.danelia at cctld.ru
Thu Jun 30 13:21:58 UTC 2022

Dear all,


Pleas accept my apologies for not being able to join the call yesterday due to electricity outage in my village

I’ll listen the recording as soon as it becomes available




From: Ccpdp-rm <> On Behalf Of Kimberly Carlson via Ccpdp-rm
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2022 2:40 PM
To: ccpdp-rm at icann.org
Subject: Re: [Ccpdp-rm] ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 29 June at 19:00 UTC


Attached is the document that will be referenced on today’s call.


Thank you,



From: Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org <mailto:kimberly.carlson at icann.org> >
Date: Monday, June 27, 2022 at 12:56 PM
To: "ccpdp-rm at icann.org <mailto:ccpdp-rm at icann.org> " <ccpdp-rm at icann.org <mailto:ccpdp-rm at icann.org> >
Subject: ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 29 June at 19:00 UTC


Dear all,


As a reminder, the next ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference has been scheduled for 29 June at 19:00 UTC.


ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Teleconference

29 June 2022


1.	Welcome & roll call
2.	Administrative items if any
3.	Action Items
4.	Next steps
5.	Review updated Non-Binding Mechanism doc (will be circulated on Tuesday) 

a.	Changes/edits from ICANN74 discussion
b.	Procedures requirement

6.	AOB
7.	Next meetings

13 July 19:00 UTC

27 July 19:00 UTC


Please find the call details below:

Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 913 2005 4051

Passcode: ccPDP3-RM#

Wiki:  https://community.icann.org/x/pwH5Cw 



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