[Ccpdp-rm] A brief remembrance: Frank March

Stephen Deerhake @ ASNIC sdeerhake at nic.as
Wed May 4 02:08:22 UTC 2022

With a great deal of sadness I note the passing of Frank March.  It’s likely that most of you on this list have no idea who he was, but some of you do.

Regardless, in my view it is important to take note of his passing.

Frank was one of the first Kiwis that I ever met, and at that point in his career, in a very different role than when I really got to know him.

He wore many hats in his career, and seemingly, wore them well, among them (albeit a short list):

  *   ISOC-NZ (as a founding member)
  *   A contributor to the development of the internet within New Zealand
  *   InternetNZ as President (amongst other roles)
  *   New Zealand’s representative to the Governmental Advisory Committee for ICANN

It was in his latter capacity that I really got to know him, as he was the GAC’s representative to the Framework of Interpretation (FoI) ccNSO Working Group, of which I was a member.

His comments were substantive, and helped frame the final work product, and I believe were critical for the eventual “buy-in” by the GAC which led to its approval by the ICANN Board.

The FoI WG was active, as I recall, between June 2011 and October 2014, which seems a couple of life-times ago now.  Keith Davidson, another Kiwi, led that group with purpose, gravitas, and humour.

On a personal note, I remember that at our face to face meetings, which seemed to always be in the early afternoon at ICANN meetings, Frank would pitch up with a large sandwich and beverage.  He’d sit silently, chewing away, and suddenly put down his sandwich, clear his throat, and utter some comment which would take us down another track, and give him the opportunity that he needed to finish his sandwich.

He was the voice of the GAC, and the working group paid attention to what he had to say.  And the Working Group benefited greatly from his contributions.

Although he is no longer with us, his contributions on so many fronts, endure.

I refer you to what InternetNZ has posted regarding Frank, for additional depth and background:  https://internetnz.nz/news-and-articles/in-memory-of-frank-march/

Best Regards,
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