[Ccpdp-rm] NOTES | ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 15 February at 19:00 UTC

Joke Braeken joke.braeken at icann.org
Wed Feb 15 19:32:12 UTC 2023


SESSION        ccPDP3-RM

DATE  Wed, 15 Feb. 2023

TIME   19:00 UTC

  1.  Welcome

Apologies by Vanda, Peter

6 members participating, quorum reached

2.            Public comment submissions

a.            Draft: final report (revised)

Bernie talks to the sections marked in yellow.

Section 10

Bart: Please change the order of 1st and 2nd paragraph. To get the flow right.

Or keep the order as is, and refer to the 7 December 2022 webinar.

ccPDP3-Review Mechanism Webinar

Wednesday, 7 December 2022 (8 UTC and 20 UTC)

Zoom recording webinar 1 and 2 <https://community.icann.org/x/Iok-DQ>

Stephen: agree.

Bernie: something pending by ICANN legal?

Bart: summary text itself needs to be published. Up to the WG itself. Analysis by WG, not by staff. Therefore, no approval of the analysis is needed.

No comments or concerns by the group

Eberhard: mark chair and vice chair on the members list

Bernie: ok, will do so

3.            Next steps in the process

Bart: By 2 March, allow ccNSO chair to inform GAC and circulate a notification that ccNSO will seek their advice and opinion. Forthcoming

Session in Cancun to introduce the policy again, and alert the community on the potential members' vote.

Informally, potentially have a self-evaluation of the process to date. To avoid any misunderstandings. We could also organise a call in April. Not part of the formal process, but relevant.

4.            Next meeting

Discussion on whether or not to have a meeting on 22 Feb.

Next meeting will be the formal expression of support of the policy to date.

Stephen: hopes for a good attendance at the meeting in 2 weeks time

a.            Wednesday, 1 March 2023 | 19 UTC

b.            Tuesday, 14 March 2023 | 14:00-15:00 UTC at ICANN76, during the Welcome and policy update session

c.             Community webinars - TBC

Stephen: when to seek support by ccNSO members?

Bart: some flexibility regarding the compilation of the members report. Includes Council recommendation.

Starting in 19 April

5.            AOB

6.            Closure

Joke Braeken
joke.braeken at icann.org<mailto:joke.braeken at icann.org>

= = =

• ccNSO Schedule
• ccNSO Session Highlights
• Tech Day

From: Ccpdp-rm <ccpdp-rm-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Kimberly Carlson via Ccpdp-rm <ccpdp-rm at icann.org>
Reply to: Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, 14 February 2023 at 22:18
To: "ccpdp-rm at icann.org" <ccpdp-rm at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [Ccpdp-rm] REMINDER: ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 15 February at 19:00 UTC

Please find the attached report to be reviewed on Wednesday’s call.

From: Kimberly Carlson <kimberly.carlson at icann.org>
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 at 10:30 AM
To: "ccpdp-rm at icann.org" <ccpdp-rm at icann.org>
Subject: REMINDER: ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference | 15 February at 19:00 UTC

Dear all,

As a reminder, the next ccPDP3 Review Mechanism teleconference is scheduled for 15 February at 19:00 UTC.

The supporting documents will be circulated prior to the call.

Please find the call details below:
Join Zoom Meeting
https://icann.zoom.us/j/97155209956?pwd=QTZJUzF5TUdOdjRkZmhPQ0hlS1BrQT09 [icann.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/icann.zoom.us/j/97155209956?pwd=QTZJUzF5TUdOdjRkZmhPQ0hlS1BrQT09__;!!PtGJab4!_bDA8fgwEHLQMB_ziC7kBF3d6c_fE00bgV3oreTb_GNDj3Au_Qi4M4Z6J4DReTCwHRr7B3i7QP090Q-8iWROcU4uIw$>

Meeting ID: 971 5520 9956
Passcode: PDP3-2023#


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