[Ccpdp-rm] Happy New Years! And time to get back to work

Stephen Deerhake @ ASNIC sdeerhake at nic.as
Mon Jan 9 12:04:21 UTC 2023

Greetings fellow WG members and staff!

I hope you all managed to get some quality down time over the holidays.

As you know, the Review Mechanism is currently out for public comments.  The public comment period closes on 24th January 2023 so I would like to propose that we schedule a call for 25 January 2023 at our usual time to take a first peek of the comments received.  As you know, historically the Community waits until the comment period is just about to close before flooding the comment list.  I expect to see similar behaviour beginning on the 23rd.

I, the co-chair, and Staff think a look at comments is in order, so please plan on attending if at all possible.

Best Regards,
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