[Closed-generics-framework] PLEASE READ: Message from the ALAC, GAC & GNSO Chairs

Mary Wong mary.wong at icann.org
Mon Aug 7 08:23:43 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,

Ahead of your call on Monday 7 August, please be so kind as to read the attached joint message from Jonathan Zuck, (ALAC Chair), Nico Caballero (GAC Chair) and Sebastien Ducos (GNSO Chair). As you know the three Chairs met to discuss the questions you agreed to refer to them and have asked that staff transmit the attached note to you all in advance of this upcoming call.

You may wish to note the Chairs’ collective decision that it is not necessary at this time to move forward with developing a final framework or undertake additional policy work via a policy development process. In this regard, the Chairs have requested that staff work with you to ensure that your work up to this point is thoroughly documented and to prepare an outcomes report accordingly, such that any future community discussions on this topic can pick up from and build from the substantive foundations that this dialogue has created.

As such, and in view of the Chairs’ decision and a lack of agreement amongst the group on what might be considered a fundamental issue, staff suggests that we use at least part of today’s call to confirm how you wish to document the work of the dialogue as requested by the Chairs. The staff team believes that the existing meeting notes, summary notes and of course the draft framework itself already provide much of the required record, and we have some ideas about what an outcomes report might consist of, so we look forward to your discussion and directions.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Mary (on behalf of the staff team supporting the facilitated dialogue on closed generic gTLDs)

From: Closed-generics-framework <closed-generics-framework-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Christian Wheeler <christian.wheeler at icann.org>
Date: Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 11:47 PM
To: "Closed-generics-framework at icann.org" <Closed-generics-framework at icann.org>
Subject: [Closed-generics-framework] Proposed Approach to Next Calls - Fundamental Issues

Hello all,

Thank you for a productive call yesterday, initiating the discussion on fundamental Closed Generic gTLD issues raised by community input. Based on your discussion, staff would like to propose the following approach to the Dialogue group’s next two calls (August 7 and 14):

  1.  Participants spend the next two calls reviewing the community’s inputs (organized by framework element via the Community Feedback Review Tool<https://community.icann.org/display/GFDOCG/FOR+INPUT%3A+Draft+Framework+for+Closed+Generic+gTLDs?preview=/244944418/250709390/Closed%20Generics%20-%20Community%20Feedback%20Review%20Tool.pdf>), specifically identifying fundamental issues and where clarification from the feedback authors may be necessary.

  *   We note that on your 19 July call, the group had agreed to identify fundamental issues raised by the community feedback that will need to be resolved by this group in arriving at a final framework. As such, and based on your call yesterday, a fundamental issue can take the form of (a) an issue that, if not resolved in this Dialogue, will be a non-starter for either the ALAC, GAC or GNSO to accept the framework, and/or (b) an issue that seems irresolvable by this Dialogue group in view of its previous deliberations on that issue. These fundamental issues may help determine whether an agreed final framework is possible.
  *   Acknowledging that all community inputs received will eventually be considered and discussed, there may be inputs that this group considers particularly important but that may not amount to fundamental issues (as described above). Such important concerns may be resolvable with further discussion, either in arriving at a final framework or as part of a subsequent policy process, as appropriate. Staff proposes that these important (but not “fundamental”) concerns be discussed after the fundamental issues are addressed.

  1.  Once the group identifies the fundamental issues and whether further clarification is needed on any of these fundamental issues from specific commentators, the relevant feedback authors (or their group’s representative) will be invited to provide further clarification about these specific points.

Please feel free to respond if you agree or disagree with this proposed approach for navigating the next two calls. Until our next call on 7 August (20:00 UTC), we encourage you to use the mailing list to get a head-start on identifying and discussing any fundamental issues from the feedback received.

Thank you all for your continued hard work, and we look forward to your next call.

Kind regards,
Christian (on behalf of the Policy staff supporting the Closed Generics Facilitated Dialogue)

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