[Comments-africa-strategic-plan-30jul18] Suggestions to the ICANN Africa strategy

Patricia Akello ekisesta at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 00:35:18 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,
1st special thanks for the well written strategy. I commend the team that
put together this draft.

My suggestions
In regards to challenges mentioned. I would like to suggest that a road map
on proposed measures to addressing the challenges be added as it will help
with progress tracking for the region , this can be done for the planned
action items highlighted in the strategy. This can be added as an addendum

Then on the issue of outreach - my suggestion is that the regional office
have a database of past fellows and nextgen from Africa with a set of
outreach activities for the fellows to execute . The fellowship community
comprises of diverse participants from across Africa and a drive to have
fellows reach out to the communities they represent can be initiated with
the support of the regional office. Periodic calls to all fellows in the
region can be made as follow up. But 1st the database of all regional
fellows then a follow up of their activities and support them where

Esther Patricia Akello

Esther Patricia
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