[Comments-ccnso-pdp3-retire-cctlds-05may20] ccNSO PDP3: Initial Proposals for Process to Retire ccTLDs

Dr Clement Genty Clement at Genty.info
Thu May 21 11:48:57 UTC 2020


The ccTLDs have been modelled on the ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard to 
avoid, as Postel said, IANA having to choose what a country is or is 

ISO is based on purely technical considerations. ICANN is a technical 
organization but includes public participation for public input, which I 
do. This humanism on the part of ICANN must remain a constant and ICANN 
must not act in a dichotomous way. The example of the .SU, which is 
still working is a good example of this.

Tuvalu, .TV, ccTLD that has become a gccTLD according to Google, is a 
territory that risks disappearing in case of global warming. So 
according to the ISO, the TV code will no longer exist.
But should we delete a code of a country and therefore its past, its 

A few years ago, I had contacted the ISO to activate the JU code for 
Julia Island, a French island located at the south of Sicily. I didn't 
get a positive answer as the island Julia was swallowed up by the 

But wasn't there a past on this island? It seems important to me that 
ICANN goes beyond purely technical considerations and that it keeps any 
ccTLD that has already existed. Otherwise its role would be purely 
technical and nothing would prevent it from being included in the ITU.


Dr Clement Genty
Meursault (Côte d'Or) - France


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