[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] (no subject)

Patricia H mobsnews at icloud.com
Sat Feb 8 14:37:46 UTC 2020

I am a .com registrant and am associated with the secondary market.

I am against the proposed price increase to .COM domains.

No one other than Verisign wants increases in .COM prices.

The current rate of $7.85 is already far more than justified.

Verisign is merely your manager of the .COM Registry - it has no business dictating the price - and already makes profits at current price levels in excess of the operating needs to maintain a registry.

ICANN is supposed to govern the domain name system in the public interest.
The public has a vested interest in reasonably priced domain registrations to foster innovation on the internet and allow the individuals to maintain a presence on the web.

Patricia Hendarno 

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