[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Provision for .COM Registry Fee Price Increases

Ben Congleton ben at olark.com
Tue Feb 11 00:32:05 UTC 2020

To Whom it may concern,

As a long time citizen of the internet, I do not understand the need
to remove price caps from registry management services managed by
VERISIGN.  Verisign currently has a 47.76% net profit margin and 2017
revenue of over 1 Billion.

Clearly the cost of maintaining the .COM registry is not impacting
VERISIGN's ability to turn a profit or grow their business.

Providing provisions for price increases increases the cost of doing
business for all registries and domain name registrants, and is simply
free $$ for VERISIGN a company, that does not need any more revenue.

Given that VERISIGN paid $20 million for this privilege of increasing
register fees, I'd suggest you ask for far more $$. They can afford

You can do better than this.

-Ben Congleton
CEO, Olark

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