[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] .COM Registries

Joleen Friesen anothrworkofart at icloud.com
Tue Feb 11 02:24:10 UTC 2020


I’d like to know why you feel it’s so important to be so secretive about this proposed agreement. Because you’re being secretive it makes me:

Trust you less by 100% because you feel it’s necessary to raise prices that don’t need raising to literally throw money around simply because you don’t have a plan as to who will handle it, where you plan to use it and how. Add the lack of communication and this proposal is so far into the left field and even smelling foul.

Why would anyone support such a sloppy and obviously extremely shady business deal? Who will believe anything you say now after this criminal venture?

I demand transparency, honesty, and communication from you.
I demand a crystal clear business plan for the money, including the long term plan, details, and how it’ll positively impact our world and make it a better place to live.

If the money will not support a healthy change that will benefit the internet and its users trash this proposal. We don’t need it. Or you for that matter. 

A concerned citizen

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