[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Domain with .com

Peter Gutsmuths info at abcura.de
Tue Feb 11 04:55:49 UTC 2020

Dear ICann,

I’m totally understand that you want to increase your price policy. We all face increase prices in our daily life and especially in the business environment.

Please have in mind for you price plan, that you tase care of all product user you already have. How easy it will be for them to change from your service to an other one if you increase your prices to much.

I would like to recommend you to make a list with all benefits and disadvantages your facing if you increase prices in your planed way. And I’m absolutely sure you will find a way that will help your circumstances and also treat your customer in a good way to continue with the longterm relationship to all your parties.

Thank you for your attention & time to read this letter!

Best Regards

Peter Gutsmuths
Sales Trainer

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