[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Ammendment 3

Russell Taylor rst1989 at me.com
Tue Feb 11 06:25:27 UTC 2020

Hi There,

I'd like to comment that I think the price increases for wholesale .coms 
is somewhat diproportionate and unfair and the position in which 
Verisign (who have a long track record of anti-consumer practices) finds 
itself is likely to be anti-consumer at best and potentially detrimental 
to the internet. Because they will have such a strangehold on pricing 
they can essentially create their own monopoly by having a favoured 
resseller whom they work with. I think this should be avoided at all costs.

It would also be great to hear some plans of what ICANN will be doing 
with the extra funding.

Thanks for reading and I urge you to reconsider


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