[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] ICANN and Verisign : new proposals

Alex Goodall alexgoodall.email at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 11:31:54 UTC 2020

 I am *very concerned *about the new proposals concerning the relationship
between ICANN and Verisign, announced on 3rd January.

Of most concern is the *autocratic approach *being taken. It appears that,
once again, *ICANN is ignoring market feedback*, as it in mid-2019.

Furthermore, as I understand it, these new changes have been *proposed in
secret*, without any consultation with the ICANN community and Internet

ICANN's mission should be *to best serve the needs of its customers* - and
that can only be achieved* via consultations and actions based feedback*.

Also, the idea of *Verisign becoming a domain registrar*, either directly
or indirectly is *shockingly wrong*. That this concession by ICANN is
accompanied by an additional *$20 million funding from Versign* over five
years - with no clearly identified purpose for the funds - as far as I am
aware - raises all sorts of *nefarious possibilities*. Whatever the
reality, at the very least, *the optics look damned awful*.

*PLEASE be more open and listen to the ICANN community!* *We have no
alternatives*, so it is absolutely essential that you *listen, listen,
listen* - and act accordingly.

Thanks for your attention.

Alex Goodall
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