[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Comments regarding Amendment 3

Jeremy Walker jeremy at flywalker.com
Tue Feb 11 14:44:41 UTC 2020


I am, personally and through several businesses,  a registrant of multiple
.com domain names.

When does the corporate greed end?  With ICANN being the only provider for
their services - we, the public, are beholden to them much like a monopoly.
I would like to see where price increases are going - what services are
being improved and generally, what is the justification for continuous
incremental price hikes?  

I do not see how Verisign has any business dictating prices anyway - they
provide no value in the domain registration process - they are simply a
manager of the .COM registry.  It is the ultimate example of corporate
bureaucracy - inserting a middleman where none is needed - simply to
generate money.

Really guys, come back to earth.


-Jeremy Walker



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