[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Rate increase in .com domains

monte agee montetattoo at att.net
Mon Feb 10 22:47:59 UTC 2020

My first domain I ever acquired for my business was in 2001, and I still have it today. It helps single my profession out from the sea of individuals on social media. So it has a huge impact on my day to day and always has. I’ve recently added 2 domains to my small business this past year, Updated my website for my business from the ground up and I hope that I get to keep all of the domains in the future. I would hate to have to choose which one I would keep while dropping the others to leave open for competitors. 
I suppose I could just drop all of them and do it the old fashioned way. Word of mouth always seems to be the icing on the cake for the most part. Technology is only a convenience in the end.


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