[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement

Peter Wargo peterwargo at gmail.com
Mon Feb 10 22:31:02 UTC 2020

I’ve been involved with the Internet since before it became available commercially, and I’m dismayed at these proposed changes.  The Internet as it stands today exists through the efforts of an amazing number of people, many of us who gave time freely to promote the growth, and availability to all of this critical resource.

ICANN is fortunate to be entrusted with helping to keep the Internet available to all, and it’s troubling to see decisions like this made in a non-public manner, and with little explanation of the process or where funds generated will be applied.  The trust we place in your stewardship deserves openness and equity.  Please reconsider these actions and rework the process to be more transparent and accountable.

Thank you,

-Peter Wargo
 Santa Fe, New Mexico

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