[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Regarding Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement

Nodoka Hanamura nodo at kahanamura.com
Tue Feb 11 19:36:38 UTC 2020

I am contacting the ICANN pertaining to Amendment 3 of the .COM Registry 
Agreement betwixt the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and 
Numbers (ICANN) and American Domain Registrar and Internet services 
provider Verisign Incorporated.

As the operator of a .com domain, especially one on a extremely low 
budget, I heavily protest the changes to the Wholesale Price limitations 
issued in Section 1, Subsection "Alignment with Amendment 35 of the 
Cooperative Agreement".

Both people in my situation (limited financial ability) and those in 
nations with extremely disproportionate currency worth to the United 
States (Where Verisign is located) will be heavily affected by this 
change, to the point where domain ownership could become difficult to 
afford, and be a nuisance for others. I and others implore the ICANN to 
nullify the alignment with Amendment 35, and protect the interests of 
internet users ergo.

"Nodoka Hanamura"
Webmaster, nodo.kahanamura.com
System Administrator, neocinci.bbs.io

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