[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] (no subject)

Abby Norling-Ruggles abby.norlingruggles at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 07:12:34 UTC 2020

I am a registrant of a .com domain name.

I am against the proposed price increase to .COM domains.

No one other than Verisign want increases in .COM prices.

The current rate of $7.85 is already far more than justified.

Verisign is merely your manager of the .COM Registry – it has no
business dictating the price. ICANN is supposed to govern the domain
name system in the public interest.

This change will disproportionately affect small business owners and
individuals who run a small number of websites, potentially pushing
them off the internet altogether. This would be a huge loss on every

Abby Norling-Ruggles
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