[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20 at icann.org

Cindy Guta.com cindy at guta.com
Thu Feb 13 10:26:46 UTC 2020

I am associated with the secondary market in domain names.

I am against the proposed price increase to .COM domains.

No one other than Verisign want increases in .COM prices.

The current rate of $7.85 is already far more than justified.

Verisign is merely your manager of the .COM Registry – it has no business
dictating the price.

ICANN is supposed to govern the domain name system in the public interest.

Best regards,


Guta.com <http://guta.com/> 古塔网

Tel(USA):     +1 678.901.9388

Tel(China):    +86 0592 5936 936

Mobile(China): +86 188 5927 5278

Wechat(微信):    guta-cindy

E-mail(邮箱): cindy at guta.com

Skype:                cindy at guta.com
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