[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Comments regarding proposed amendment 3

Akshat Sharma akshat.sh at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 19:02:28 UTC 2020


I have always understood ICANN to be a trustworthy steward of the public
resource that is the internet domain naming system. Sadly, that trust has
been shaken of late. The recent changes to ".com" TLD pricing announced in
January follow the very public and shameful scandal around the ".org" TLD.
But to be honest, I don't think there ever will be a right time to allow
unchecked, annual price increases to a public resource.

I struggle to understand why are we rewarding a poorly run organisation
like Verisign (which has been implicated of extreme negligence in multiple
security breaches) with carte blanche to increase domain prices every year.
And no, the two year "breathers" don't do anything. If anything, ICANN
should be taking steps to disengage with Verisign entirely. I'm sure there
are any number of well run, trustworthy organisations that would be more
than happy to handle the .com TLD for a fair price.

More importantly, the .com price increase is going to prevent many new
entrepreneurs from starting. I understand that in the western world $12
doesn't seem like much, but in many parts of the world that is a
significant investment. And while one can understand an occasional price
increase, a 7% price increase each year is simply too prohibitive.

As it is, the web is being consumed by the FAANG companies. It is hard
enough for new players to launch something when the network effects of the
internet giants kill new ideas before they get a chance to germinate. For
ICANN, a non-profit to capitulate to the avarice of Verisign will be yet
another fatal blow.

I urge you with all my heart to give up this course of action. Please don't
allow this amendment to go through.

Yours hopefully
Akshat Sharma
(Owner of www.akshatsharma.com since 2008)
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