[Comments-com-amendment-3-03jan20] Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement

Mohd Bashar Iqbal bashariqbal at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 03:30:16 UTC 2020

I am a registrant of a .com domain name.

I am against the proposed price increase to .COM domains as the price
increase would further increase the burdens on the normal individuals and
small business owners which are the major registrants of .Com domains.

It is just Verisign who wants increase .COM prices and they should just act
like mere manager of the .COM Registry that is only for that they are for.
They should not dictating the price of the .COMs.

ICANN is supposed to govern the domain name system in the public interest.

Bashar Iqbal
Delhi, India.

*Bashar Iqbal*
*bashariqbal at gmail.com <bashariqbal at gmail.com>*
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