[Comments-community-gtld-change-procedure-14feb18] Response from ICANN to Thomas Lowenhaupt

Amanda Fessenden amanda.fessenden at icann.org
Sat Feb 24 00:13:15 UTC 2018

Hi Thomas,


Thank you for your submission to the Public Comment forum regarding the Draft Procedure for Community gTLD Change Requests. In response to your question, I encourage you to review the Description and Explanation section and the Background section of the Public Comment webpage: https://www.icann.org/public-comments/community-gtld-change-procedure-2018-02-14-en


To summarize, the origin of this effort comes from the development of the New gTLD Program. The ICANN organization originally published an explanatory memo in 2011 to facilitate community (GNSO) discussions of a potential procedure to consider change requests of Community Registration Policies. However, there had been no subsequent work on this topic that resulted in a process by which ICANN org can approve or deny change requests to Specification 12 of the Registry Agreement. More recently, community gTLD registry operators saw the need for a process and criteria to enable evolution of their registration policies with the changing needs of a TLD community. In 2016, they formed a working group to develop a draft procedure by collaborating with the ICANN organization and seeking input from members of the Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG). The draft procedure is a result of that collaboration with the goal of permitting a community gTLD registry operator to seek modifications to Specification 12 without removing the Community Registration Policies, excessively broadening or narrowing registrant eligibility and/or name selection requirements or resulting in significant negative impact to the TLD Community.


I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have additional questions.


Kind regards,




Amanda Fessenden

Registry Services & Engagement Manager

ICANN – Global Domains Division

(m) +1 424 353 1911




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