[Comments-community-gtld-change-procedure-14feb18] .eco Registry Community gTLD Change Request Public Comment

Jacob Malthouse jm at go.eco
Fri Mar 30 03:04:37 UTC 2018

*Dear ICANN, Please find attached and below our comment​ on the Community
gTLD Change Request process now open for public comment. Best
regards,JacobJacob Malthouse-OgilvieCo-founder & Director, The .eco
Registryhttps://go.eco/ <https://go.eco/> --3/29/2018Dear ICANN,Re: .eco
Registry Comment on Draft Procedure for Community gTLD Change RequestsThe
.eco Registry is pleased to see progress towards full implementation of the
process envisioned in the Applicant Guidebook for ongoing accountability to
our community.Accountability is a key aspect of ICANN’s work. Implementing
the mechanisms for community TLDs to make it a priority for their members
should also be a matter of course.The .eco Registry recalls that section
4.2.3 of the Applicant Guidebook (AGB) states:“The restrictions and
corresponding enforcement mechanisms proposed by the applicant should show
an alignment with the community-based purpose of the TLD and demonstrate
continuing accountability to the community named in the application.”
(emphasis added)A critical aspect of demonstrating ongoing accountability
is a means to respond to requests from the community to align the
registration policies of a registry with the community, especially when
those requests are driven by the community served by that TLD.Further,
section 2.19 of the Registry Agreement States:“Registry Operator shall
operate the TLD in a manner that allows the TLD community to discuss and
participate in the development and modification of policies and practices
for the TLD.” (emphasis added)It is clear from these statements that
implementation of this Change Request Procedure currently under public
comment is a matter that was agreed on by the ICANN Board when the AGB was
adopted in June 2012.Indeed, the Board has contractually obliged community
registries to make use of it over time. We therefore support this process
and encourage ICANN and the community to conclude it efficiently and
successfully./END COMMENT*
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