[Comments-draft-pti-iana-fy22-budgets-08oct20] ccNSO-SOPC comment on DRAFT PTI and IANA FY22 Operating Plan and Budgets

Giovanni Seppia Giovanni.Seppia at eurid.eu
Mon Nov 23 15:22:30 UTC 2020

Dear ICANN planning,

The ccNSO SOPC is grateful for the opportunity to review and comment on the draft PTI and IANA FY22 Operating Plan and Budgets.

After a careful assessment, we believe that the Plans are relevant and coherent and meet the community's expectations. We would also like to commend the team for making them concise and easy to read.

We appreciate the clarification about the increase of certain budget lines (e.g. for the PTI Budget, the cost for "Travel and Meetings" is expected to grow in FY22 "due to additional needed trips for Key Signing Ceremonies further").

We want to commend PTI for continuous efforts and investments to assess and improve existing procedures and management.

As ever, the SOPC remains available to support the shaping of any further plan.

Kind Regards,

Giovanni Seppia
On behalf of the ccNSO-SOPC

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