[Comments-info-renewal-18mar19] Proposed Renewal of .info Registry Agreement

InternetProject clement at genty.info
Mon Mar 25 10:05:22 UTC 2019

On November 6, 2001, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority 
announced that it had chosen mta.info instead of mta.nyc.ny.us. The 
President of MTA argued that the domain name in.US was too long and 
difficult to remember.

The .INFO was intended in 1997 when it was proposed by the IAHC, 
International Ad Hoc Committee, and was created in 2000, two years 
after ICANN was created.

.INFO has paved the way for more flexible but also smarter naming 
policies, bringing meaning through the TLD. At the time, the registry 
was communicating with "Where the World goes for information".

The lack of a framework for gTLD pricing policies has led to some 
disappointments, as evidenced by the reactions of registrars when 
Uniregistry significantly increased its prices on its extensions. 
Similarly, the « Dot Chinese Online » has increased its prices by 25 
since 15 March 2019. The market is not ready for significant price 
fluctuations on underutilized TLDs. The .INFO, used by many companies 
and individuals, is also not ready for such developments. An 
entrepreneur who has registered his domain name cannot tomorrow see a 
multiplication per cent of the selling price of his .INFO.

While Europe is implementing a charter of good practices for online 
platforms, the "Platform to business" project, it would be interesting 
to develop such a policy for ICANN's gTLDs in order to frame tariff 
increases in an assessment to be defined.

Clément GENTY
Doctorant | PhD Candidate

École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers
151 bd de l'Hôpital 75013 Paris

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