[Comments-info-renewal-18mar19] .info renewal comment

Kelly Bell kelly at gothamcitydrupal.com
Thu Apr 25 12:53:41 UTC 2019

Please do not allow an open-ended price increases for top level
domains! The chilling and stultifying effects for the health of the
internet business community, not to mention all the unknown and
unintended consequences, will be widespread and devastating. The
internet is a vibrant and diverse community: raising the barrier to
entry for these top-level domains will give significant and unfair
advantage to entities with a bunch of money, and keep those most
important informational, countercultural, artistic, progressive,
creative and activist voices from expression through our only truly
egalitarian medium: the internet.
As a small business owner who depends on the internet for the whole of
my livelihood and that of my employees, raising the prices of top
level domains would be disastrous for my company and my clients’
Keep domain registry prices down where they belong: affordable for
every individual. It’s against the spirit and intention of a free and
open internet to raise financial barriers to entry beyond the means of
every individual who has something to say or sell. Now is your chance
to protect the internet for now and the future; please don’t squander
it. Allow no more than a 10% increase in top-level domain prices per
Thank you,

Kelly Bell
(917) 446-1555
Gotham City Drupal
@gothamdrupal   |   @Kelly

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