[Comments-o-com-single-char-10may18] Release of O.Com for registration and the use of auction proceeds.

Dustin Phillips dustin at icannwiki.com
Wed Jun 20 23:45:36 UTC 2018

With the release of O.Com seems to present very little downside, with a lot
of upside. One of the major upsides is how the proceeds will be used.

There is a lot of work being done to make the Internet more secure, safer,
more inclusive and generally better. However, funding is finite and there
are questions about who should bear the burden of sustaining work that is
not necessarily profitable, but provides great benefit. The proposed plan
to use the funds for the public good of the Internet Community, is an
innovative approach to funding this type of work.

Without attempting to prescribe any constraints to this innovative thinking
about funding, I believe there should be an emphasis on supporting the
multistakeholder model and the initiatives that demonstrate its value, both
within and outside of ICANN. In this context, it is important to ensure its
inclusiveness, including the voice of women on key issues that impact the
internet. This will become increasingly important as the model of
governance we rely on is threatened by a number of forces.

All the Best,

Dustin Phillips
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