[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] Unlimited Price Hikes Crush Small Organizations

Marie Watkins mwatkins at ncf.ca
Fri Apr 26 15:41:38 UTC 2019

To ICANN staff responsible for this action:

By allowing unlimited price hikes for .org, .info and .biz legacy TLDs, 
you are essentially putting non-profits and small businesses at the 
mercy of a monopoly, possibly crushing whole segments of the online (and 
offline) economy all over the world.

If ICANN is truly a "public-benefit corporation" please consider the 
potentially devastating harm that would come to millions of people with 
legitimate organizations operating under these TLDs by letting a cartel 
enrich itself at the expense of "the little guy" and how it would affect 
"One World, One Internet", as your motto goes...

Please do not allow this proposal to go through.


Marie Watkins

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