[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] AGAINST unlim fee increase

Justin Hall justin at 4digipics.com
Thu Apr 25 14:03:10 UTC 2019

I would encourage ICANN to reconsider allowing unlimited fee increases

for .ORG domains.


.ORG domains are unique in that they are the *only* TLD specifically

created originally for non-profit purposes. They are still regularly

used today by non-profit, and public-interest organizations and services

to provide a public benefit and presence on the Internet.


It costs next to nothing to maintain the registration for a domain since

registrations are simply records in a database. Unlimited fee increases

are nothing more than a cash-grab for an industry with high margins and

low expenses and for an industry that increasingly provides no added

value other than simply "existing".


Kind Regards,

Justin H, Consultant & Business Strategist


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