[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] keeping greed in check

Charles Charles at CharlesWorks.com
Thu Apr 25 14:38:32 UTC 2019

I see the continuing raise of domain pricing extremely unfair in two
1. Nearly all domain registrations occur without human intervention. There
is no further labor charge to purchase a domain name.
2. As domain sales (quantities sold) continue to increase with no end in
sight and because of #1 above, the profits will only continue to grow.
Much like the "mass production" in the past helped to reduce pricing of
manufactured goods, the same should be happening in the domain world.
Please keep the greed in check.
Thank you!
Take care,
Charles - Please LIKE US at http://facebook.com/CharlesWorks-LLC
and connect with me at  <http://linkedin.com/in/charlesworks>
"Bridging the gap between geeks and everyone else since 1998."
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CharlesWorks, LLC, Peterborough, NH 03458-1645 http://CharlesWorks.net
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