[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] .org domains - Please help nonprofits

The Focus Forward Project info at focusforwardproject.org
Thu Apr 25 15:40:59 UTC 2019

Please don't remove the price cap on .org domains in your agreement with
PIR. .org domains are overwhelmingly used by registered charities and
nonprofit organizations. Reducing (or holding relatively steady) the amount
that everyone who uses that domain type spends is effectively a donation to
almost every nonprofit who has a presence online. In one feel swoop you can
benefit millions of families being lifted out of poverty, children seeking
healthcare, even entire species facing extinction. Or you can take the
money that would have been spent on those causes and make all of those
organizations spend it on their domain names every year. Even if the
individual organization's change in budget isn't huge, the cumulative
effect on all these organizations would be massive.
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