[Comments-org-renewal-18mar19] Proposed Renewal of .org Registry Agreement

Masao athrun at asukira.net
Mon Apr 29 23:41:06 UTC 2019


I am a .org registrant (not-for-profit). I enjoy making websites as a
hobby, and enjoy seeing other creative small scope sites by other people

Removing price caps is not fair to .org domain owners. Many of them have
websites that they have used for years. If price caps are removed, the cost
to renew their domain names may become too expensive, and they could be
forced to give up websites that are important to them. The more domains
that are abandoned due in part to price increases, the worse our internet
space will be, with more hobby-sites going offline, and the internet
becoming just a place for businesses and owned and operated by big
companies who can afford domains and hosting. For a free and open web, we
should not make .orgs more expensive. They've already increased in prices

The Uniform Rapid Suspension policy is too new and untested to apply on
domain names that may be 20 years old or more. With the URS, the domain
names could be taken down in a matter of days with little notice.

ICANN should be doing more to protect owners of .org domain names. Why is
ICANN trying to remove price protections for .org domain owners, so many of
which are non-profits, so that they can be overcharged for their domain

Please reconsider these proposals.

Thank you.
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