[comments-soac-accountability-14apr17] Business Constituency (BC) Comment on Recommendations to Improve SO/AC Accountability.

Steve DelBianco sdelbianco at netchoice.org
Fri May 26 20:39:15 UTC 2017

The ICANN Business Constituency (BC) submits this comment (below and attached) on Recommendations to Improve SO/AC Accountability, a Work Stream 2 project of the CCWG-Accountability.

(comment page at https://www.icann.org/public-comments/soac-accountability-2017-04-14-en  )

The BC supports the Recommendations to Improve SO/AC Accountability, and offers these further comments:

1. The BC endorses the view that "each AC and SO is accountable to the segment of the global internet community that each SO/AC was designated to represent in the ICANN Bylaws.”

2. The BC supports the Track 1 recommendations for best practices, and would consider implementation in the BC "to the extent these practices are applicable and an improvement over present practices.”

3. The BC supports the Track 2 recommendation that an "Accountability Roundtable be an optional addition to the Annual General Meeting, subject to approval of SO/AC chairs.”

4. The BC supports Track 3 recommendation that the IRP (Independent Review Process) "should not be made applicable to SO/AC activities, because it is complex and expensive, and there are easier alternatives to challenge an AC or SO action or inaction.”

This comment was approved in accord with our charter.

Steve DelBianco
Vice chair for policy coordination
ICANN Business Constituency

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