[council] voting procedures

Amadeu Abril i Abril Amadeu at abril.info
Thu Sep 25 15:27:53 UTC 2003

Neuman, Jeff wrote:

> I disagree to the extent that I would like to have time to review 
> motions on policy with my constituency.

Jeff, this does not change my proposal. Even when we have the proposals 
one week, or one month, before the call, the problem with on-the-fly 
amendments remain. If a motion is not amendned at all and was on the 
table before the meeting, no problem with the usual proceudre.

But whenever we start to play with its language, I would like to see:

* a "visual support" (if you all were using Macs, I'd suggest 
SubEthaEdit http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/).

* In case some people cannot access the written version of the 
amendments, and specifically request so, that the vote be delayed and 
performed in the immediate 24 hours though email.

I'ts not about time for digesting the policies, but the edits... taht 
sometime affect the substance.


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