[council] Re: Registry Constituency IDN communiqué (correction)

Cary Karp ck at nic.museum
Fri Feb 25 09:16:14 UTC 2005

Quoting myself:

> In the meanwhile you may wish to note that the Mozilla folks -- 
> whose concern with this issue fired the debate -- have just 
> released a version of their Firefox browser that addresses the 
> issue by making the Punycode form of an IDN fully visible in the 
> browser's status line, while retaining the Unicode form in the 
> browser's address line.

I'm afraid I spoke too soon about this. The latest release displays 
Punycode in both the address and status lines. I incorrectly assumed 
that the behavior of the pre-release version that I was using had 
been retained. This permitted the full configuration of where 
Punycode and Unicode could appear but, as far as I can tell, that 
option has been removed.


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