[council] Re: Regarding issues report on IDNs

Cary Karp ck at nic.museum
Mon Feb 6 09:47:06 UTC 2006

This is a brief P.S. to my previous message, saving someone else the
trouble of pointing it out :-)

> However, very few TLD labels are words in specific languages. The
> ccTLD labels are deliberately restricted to a list of codes, and of
> the few labels in the gTLD 'vocabulary' that actually appear in the
> English dictionary, not all are defined there in the sense that the
> label is being presented to users.

A few of the ccTLD labels also happen to be words in one or another
language. Similarly, others have strong mnemonic associations external
to their intended purpose. These generate TLD policy considerations
all of their own which (as should surprise nobody) will become
massively more complex when the TLD space is IDNified.


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