[council] Regarding availability of Council members for meeting/s later in February

Bruce Tonkin Bruce.Tonkin at melbourneit.com.au
Tue Jan 31 04:47:01 UTC 2006

Hello Glen,

>From the recent postings by Council members, there seem to be several
other international meetings being held in February that potentially
would conflict with the possibility of holding a physical meeting.

Please survey the members of Council to identify what dates they would
be available either for a physical meeting or a pro-longed
teleconference towards the second half of February/first half of March.
This will help identify if we have a critical mass of participants, and
form information for Council members to assist in making a decision
under agenda item 4 of the next Council meeting.  As mentioned earlier
if a constituency is unable to have three Council members available for
a committee meeting, than it would be possible to appoint alternates to
represent them - but it would not be desirable for a constituency to
need to entirely depend on non-Council members.

Bruce Tonkin

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