[council] Board Seat election

tony.ar.holmes at bt.com tony.ar.holmes at bt.com
Sat May 6 08:46:35 UTC 2006



Within the ISPCP, and I'm pretty sure within other constituencies there
is a feeling of unease over the current GNSO election process. We now
have a slate of nominations, some of which appear to be tactical partly
due to the Reconsideration Process that affects Marilyn's ability to
stand as a candidate. The way this has occurred is quite unfortunate,
although fully understandable. On the plus side the resolution of this
issue will add clarity to the process that should benefit all of us in
the future.


However against that background it seems prudent to ensure that the
formal voting process doesn't commence until that situation is
clarified. Can you confirm this is the case?  If not the overall process
appears flawed.






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