[council] Regarding communicating task force/committee work with the press and other outside groups

Philip Sheppard philip.sheppard at aim.be
Thu Sep 14 11:10:03 UTC 2006

Bruce, this is a key issue.
The price of transparency is responsibility.

- No TF/Council member or observer should ever speak for the group unless they are the
- The function of group membership or observer-status is to be able to report back on
developments to a constituency or organisation. 
- It is inappropriate for any group member or observer to speak to the press about ideas
"under discussion". Any such press contact should only occur after the group has finalised a
formal step and then the individual must make it clear that they are commenting on formal
written output in their personal (or when authorised group) capacity. 
Anything less will lead to scare stories and sensationalism.


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