[council] Impovements plan - a comment on the compositon of the OSC

Philip Sheppard philip.sheppard at aim.be
Fri Oct 10 13:52:46 UTC 2008

Avri, re your concern about excluding constituencies in formation.

I will shortly be applying for a new constituency on behalf of the "Members of the Church of
the Flying Spaghetti Monster"
(ref: http://www.venganza.org/ )

I regard any cynicism as to this not being a serious application as an affront to my
religious faith.
See Dawson, Richard " The God Delusion" for an explication of the theological arguments.

I trust you will review this application as "serious" :
ref' Doria, Avri " "I believe that once a serious group of organizers have declared
themselves publicly.." )


PS I trust you see my point concerning the problem with any judgement of "serious".

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